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Two new NZIA Fellows for TEAM

Last updated:

23 Jun 2024

Members of the NZ Institute of Architecture — Te Kāhui Whaihanga who have achieved highly in the profession, gained particular eminence or given meritorious service, can be made a Fellow of the Institute. This recognition from their peers is a significant milestone in any New Zealand architect’s career and for our two new Fellows, William Fulton and Darren Shadbolt, it is well earned and well deserved.

William Fulton has been with TEAM Architects Christchurch since 2022 and is widely respected across Canterbury and New Zealand for his expertise in heritage architecture. His Fellowship citation notes his committed involvement in restoring Christchurch’s architectural heritage following the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes; his awarded work and collaborative approach to projects; his active involvement with the NZIA Canterbury Branch; and his supportive role as a mentor and director within our Christchurch practice.

Darren Shadbolt (Ngāti Porou, Ngāpuhi and Raukawa) is a Principal at TEAM Architects Palmerston North. His Fellowship citation references his long service and leadership in a number of roles with the NZIA Western Branch; his expert contribution to community projects for iwi and hapu; and his generosity, insightful knowledge and inclusivity.

We are privileged to have two such highly skilled and respected architects as part of the TEAM group, and we congratulate William and Darren on their Fellowship.

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